What to Do When Family Hurts You
This Bible study helps hurting family members understand themselves and others, then offers God-honoring ways to speak and act while seeking reconciliation. Download PDF here.
This Bible study helps hurting family members understand themselves and others, then offers God-honoring ways to speak and act while seeking reconciliation. Download PDF here.
Here are links to help families develop a written Family Mission Statement. Focus on the Family: Writing a Family Mission Statement Crosswalk: Developing Your Family Mission Intentional by Grace: How to Create a Family Mission Statement Young Wife’s Guide: Developing a Scripture-Based Family Mission Statement Art of Manliness: Creating a…
This is a printable tool to increase emotional intelligence and awareness. Download color PDF, black and white PDF, or information on how to use the Feeling Wheel.
This Bible study worksheet invites us to compare the likely emotions with the actual faith responses of our “Hall of Faith” heroes described in Hebrews 11 and corresponding Old Testament passages. Download PDF here.
Randy Alcorn explains how to overcome guilt through a Biblical understanding of God’s grace and a rejection of Satan’s lies. Read article here.
This blog offers insights and encouragement from speakers addressing anxiety and depression at the 2019 National Youth Workers Convention. Download PDF here.
Grounding techniques pull us away from distressing emotions or traumatic flashbacks, returning us to the present reality so we can think more clearly and feel calmer and safer. Anything that focuses our senses on our present surroundings can be used for grounding. Download PDF or find more information here.
Rather than viewing anxiety as a lack of trust in God, see it as the very thing that draws our hearts to him. Portions of Psalms 68, 42, and 43 give us permission to pour out our hearts to God repeatedly because we already DO trust him. Open PDF or read…
Podcast with Paul Tripp and David Powlison: The two key qualities most needed when ministering to a Christian suffering from anxiety or depression are humility and patience. Instead of seeing people as “problems to fix,” we can help them find strength in the nearness and companionship of God. Watch or…
Short videos describe each segment of the Power and Control Wheel that represent the ways men control and subordinate women in intimate relationships. The Wheel Gallery offers a variety of wheels available for free download. Find information and PDF downloads here.