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  4. Abigail: How to Live with the Fools in Your Life

Abigail: How to Live with the Fools in Your Life

This seven-part Revive Our Hearts podcast series with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, taken from the story of Abigail, Nabal, and David in 1 Samuel 25, includes these seven titles that teach us how to live with difficult people and not be that difficult person:

  • Caught in the Middle
  • Are You Approachable?
  • Diffusing the Situation
  • A Soft Answer
  • A Happy Ending?
  • Death Brings Life
  • Highlights from Women of the Bible: Abigail

Each podcast is approximately 25-30 minutes in length.

Listen to the first podcast here.

Updated on August 17, 2021

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