• Counseling the Perfectionist

    Perfectionists struggle with anxiety and exhaustion in their self-reliant attempts to meet self-imposed standards of righteousness. Their freedom is found in trusting that Christ has already achieved the righteousness of God on their behalf. Read article here.

  • You Can’t Take Care of Others if You Don’t Take Care of Yourself

    Christians caregivers who misunderstand the biblical command of denial of self to rationalize a lack of self care often find themselves “burned out” with nothing to give. This article engages the authors as they discuss their new book, The Whole Life, and the six important areas where healthy stewardship is…

  • When Is It Time to Speak Up?

    A cursory look at the difference between forbearance and confrontation and three situations where confrontation is in order. Read article here.

  • When the Church Doesn’t Care Well

    Modern-day churches, desiring cultural relevance, are embracing a humanistic/therapeutic model of counseling that is eroding sound doctrine and the truth that sets people free. Listen to podcast here.

  • Managing Your Negative Emotions

    The healings we desire for our bodies, souls, and relationships can bring new challenges that call for self-control and self-discipline. Leslie Vernick recognizes the fact that “we must give up something we like for something we want” and that “we are always in the process of becoming,” always moving in…

  • The Four: An Advent Image

    Four grandmothers in the Bible have something in common that reminds us of our rich identity in Christ. An excerpt from Ann Voskamp’s writing beautifully describes this painting by Tricia Robinson. Find painting and article here.

  • 10 Common but Illegitimate Reasons to Divorce

    Although there are cases where divorce is legitimate, God’s design is for the permanence of marriage. In this article, taken from a book by Jim Newheiser, Tim Challies summarizes common unbiblical reasons for divorce. They include having an unsaved spouse, a wedding outside of church, influence on children, disappointment, falling…

  • The Seed of Divorce

    Every marriage contains seeds that can potentially sprout into death and destruction. Pastor and author Tim Challies offers ways a couple can move away from divorce toward a healthier marital relationship through honest discussion, commitment, prayer, and daily immersion in Scripture. Read article here.

  • Intimacy Inventory Homework

    This inventory encourages conversations about marital intimacy, prompting discussion between husband and wife to identify areas of strength and weakness. Download PDF here.